I had the plate & screws* taken out of my broken fibula on December 5. The screws were coming loose and bothering me - even wearing socks was getting painful. So I've been on crutches and then partial weight bearing for the last week and a half. It's been fabulous! I move from my bed to my couch (slowly) and have been reading, knitting, and watching TV to my heart's content. Next week, I got back to work for 2 days and then get a break for Christmas. Woohoo!
*When I went in for my pre-surgery appointment, the doctor said, "Be sure and let me know before we go in if you want the hardware."
I scrunched up my nose and said, "Do people do that??!?"
He said, "Sure they do"
I have the hardware and wanted to upload a picture of it. For some reason the software for my scanner has disappeared, so I grabbed Hub's camera. Then discovered the computer cable is missing. So I grabbed my old camera - which all of the sudden won't take pictures anymore. Until I find some way to get images, imagine a 1/2" wide metal plate with holes in it for screws. There were 4 screws holding the plate on and another in the front of the fibula. Not as big as I suspected and I'm really glad they're gone.